Rules for the provision of services AllRoutes.Info
All services on AllRoutes.Info provided “as is”.
If you need further refinement of routes (create new routes, edit routes, voice stops announcer, etc.), these works are performed either by the user using the free features of the site, or by staff support on a fee basis.
Prices for technical support services:
1. Create a new route:
– city route: 50 cents per stop (stops in both directions are taken into account).
– long-distance route: the price is negotiable, from $20.
2. Editing the route: the price is negotiable, from $5.
3. Voice stops announcer: $1 per stop (the price includes two entries: “” and “next “).
4. Adding your own audio files of the customer: $5 per route.
5. Other types of work: price is negotiable.